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From Canada To Los Santos

Steven Ogg: The Man Behind Trevor Philips

From Canada to Los Santos

Steven Ogg is a Canadian actor, voice artist, and motion capture performer best known for his portrayal of the iconic character Trevor Philips in the 2013 video game Grand Theft Auto V. Born on November 4, 1973, Ogg has established himself as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, particularly within the realm of video games.

The Notorious Trevor Philips

Trevor Philips, the unhinged and unpredictable protagonist of Grand Theft Auto V, is a character that has garnered both acclaim and controversy. Ogg's exceptional voice and motion capture work have brought Trevor to life with an authenticity that has left a lasting impression on players. The character's erratic behavior, foul language, and violent tendencies have made him one of the most memorable and complex characters in video game history.


Steven Ogg's portrayal of Trevor Philips in Grand Theft Auto V has solidified his status as a renowned actor and motion capture artist. His ability to embody such a complex and controversial character has left a lasting impression on the gaming community. Ogg's talent and dedication have made Trevor Philips an unforgettable figure in video game history, showcasing the transformative power of performance capture technology and the boundless possibilities of storytelling within the digital realm.
